Monday, September 20, 2010

Beat the Calculator and Name That Number

Today we had our first math test.  In order for us to get ready for the test we reviewed by playing some math games on Friday.  

Directions for Beat the Calculator
Materials- Number cards 0-9 (4 of each) and one calculator
Players- 3

1. One player is the "Caller."  A second player is the "Calculator."  The third player is the "Brain."
2. Shuffle the cards and place them facedown on the table.
3. The Caller draws two cards from the number deck and asks for the sum of the numbers.
4. The Calculator solves the problem with a calculator.  The Brain solves it without a calculator.  The Caller decides who got the answer first.
5. Players trade roles every 10 turns or so.

Directions for Name That Number
Materials- Number cards 0-20 (4 of each card 0-10 and 1 of each card 11-20)
Players- 2 to 4 (the game is more interesting when played by 3 or 4 players)

1. Shuffle the deck and place five cards face-up on the playing surface.  Leave the rest of the deck facedown.  Then turn over the top card of the deck and lay the card down.  The number on this card is the number to be named.  Call this number the "target number."
2. Players take turns.  When it is your turn, try to name the target number.  You can name the target number by adding or subtracting the numbers on 2 of the 5 cards that are face-up.  
3. If you can name the target number, take the 2 cards you used to name it.  Also take the target-number card.  Then replace all 3 cards by drawing from the top of the deck.
4. If you cannot name the target number, your turn is over.  Turn over the top card of the deck and lay it down.  The number in this card becomes the new target number to be named.
5. Play continues until all of the cards in the deck have been turned over.  The player who has taken the most cards wins.

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