Thursday, September 9, 2010

Descriptive Paragraphs, Chinese, and Fortune Telling Fish

In class we wrote a brief paragraph about a special outdoor place.  We used a graphic organizer to help us think of vivid description words for each of our five senses.  We used that graphic organizer to help us write our paragraph.  Once we were finished writing our paragraphs, we colored a picture to show our special outdoor place.  The next day in class students shared their paragraphs aloud to our class.   Here are some pictures of students sharing their work.

In our classroom we are very cool cats.   When we share our stories we pretend that we are in a jazz club.  Like people listening to poetry slams in a jazz club, we snap our fingers, instead of clapping.  Here is a picture of students "clapping" for Student 4 after she shared her paragraph.
"Clapping" for Student 4

We had Chinese for our special today.  We have been learning food words and how to say what foods we like and dislike in Chinese.  Today we got to pretend to order food through a drive through.  This was very fun and we all wanted to be the driver of the car.  Enjoy the pictures of us ordering food in Chinese!

Today in Science we began by discussing properties of an apple.  We learned that using our five senses will help us to find properties of objects.  Once we were done listing all the properties of the apple Mrs. Simon introduced an experiment using a Fortune Telling Fish.  Here are some pictures of the Fortune Telling Fish.
Fortune Telling Fish Package
Backside of Fortune Telling Fish telling what each movements fortune
The Fortune Telling Fish
The fish reading Mrs. Simon's fortune

Mrs. Simon followed the directions from the fish package.  We tested to see what Mrs. Simon's fortune was, and as real scientists do, we did several experiments.  We found that Mrs. Simon's fortune changed from the fish's head and tail moving (which meant that she is in love), to the fish flipping over (which meant that she is false).   Once we were finished with our experiment on Mrs. Simon we were left with many questions.  I was very impressed at the critical thinking that our class did.  Here are some questions that we came up with in class today.  

Tomorrow we will focus on one question from the list we created, come up with a claim, and find evidence to support our claim.  I look forward to what we will come up with!  Stay tuned to see our upcoming experiment on the Fortune Telling Fish!

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