Friday, September 3, 2010


Today was a very busy Friday in our classroom.  We started our day out with a one hour MAP test on Reading.  We all went to the computer lab and did our very best on our reading test.  I am very proud of each student.  These tests are long and difficult and I could tell that everyone did their very best.  

Later on during our day we cut out flash cards with our Social Studies vocabulary words from Chapter 1.  We studied the vocabulary words with a partner, then we played a game with the vocabulary words!  The game we played is called, "Grab the Eraser", which is very similar to how Family Feud it played.  We LOVED the game and will be playing the game again next week!  Here are a few pictures of us cutting the cards, studying, and playing "Grab the Eraser".
At the end of our day we celebrated Mrs. Simon's birthday with treats.  After treats we decided to do a little housekeeping and organizing by cleaning out our folders and desks.  Several students offered to help their fellow classmates.  Take a look at what our caring classroom looks like.
I would also like to thank Student 4 for being the photographer during the game "Grab the Eraser".  I will be teaching all students how to use our classroom digital camera.  Look for other student photographs to be posted soon!

Have a relaxing Labor Day weekend!

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