Thursday, September 16, 2010

Picture Prompts Journal and Ballet West

Today we continued working on our writing skills through the use of our Picture Prompts Journal.  This is a journal full of unique and funny pictures for us to write a creative story.  First, we select a picture to write about, then we write.  Once we are done writing we get to color the picture prompt.  
Here are some students that have completed a picture prompt journal story.

This afternoon Washington Township Elementary and Wellman Elementary were invited to watch a performance of Ballet West at the Kalona Community Center.  Ballet West is a professional dance company from Salt Lake City, Utah.  Ballet West is in Iowa performing in communities surrounding the Iowa City area.  The dancers from Ballet West showed us a typical warm up exercise, a few basic steps/moves, their costumes, and even let some students perform with them!  Student 21 from our class was able to perform!  Check out the videos and pictures of Ballet West's performance for us today!

For more information on Ballet West check out their website.  Also, Ballet West will be performing at Shiloh on Sunday!

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