Friday, May 6, 2011

School of the Wild- Lake Macbride

Today was our all school field trip to the school of the wild at Lake Macbride.  We were so fortunate to have such a beautiful day for our trip!  We looked for animals tracks in the woods, built shelters with logs, visited the raptor center, and tagged a variety of birds.  We were busy learning and having fun from the moment we got there.  What a memorable day!
Putting plaster in deer tracks

Building our shelters

Found a morel mushroom while building shelters

We all fit inside!

At the raptor center

Look at how big the wing span of a golden eagle is!

We caught and tagged a goldfinch

We got to touch the goldfinch

We even had the opportunity to HOLD the goldfinch!

After tagging this chickadee, we released it back into the wild

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