Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Let's Get Lost! - A Map Scavenger Hunt

Today we had a guest teacher come to our room.  Pam, Washington County's Naturalist, visited our classroom to do a map activity.  We have been learning about maps since school has started.  We started our lesson out with exploring an aerial map of our school.  We discussed how our school is special because it is located on a road that angles.

Pam discussed our scavenger hunt activity next.  There are eight numbers on our map, we must visit each number on the map in order.  At each location there would be clues given to us on slips of paper.  The clues are to an animal that is native in Iowa.  We broke into four different groups.

When we got outside we oriented ourselves to our map, and used the compass rose to discover the directions.  Then we were off on our scavenger hunt!

We had a great time!  We enjoyed having Pam in our classroom and we will see her again in October for the Enviroscape Model.

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