Saturday, December 17, 2011

Santa Letters

The first week of December we wrote our letters to Santa.  We even word processed our letters to Santa on our own!  Check the Kalona News, Wellman Advance, and the Washington Journal for our letters!

Dear Santa,

Hi, my name is Aaron. I live in Wellman, Iowa. How are you and the reindeer? Do you take any vacations? I hope you do. This is what I want for Christmas, just remember I want it, not need it. I want a iPod touch, iTunes $10 gift card, a new T shirt, a new sweatpants.

Your Friend,
Aaron H

Dear Santa,

How do you get around the world in one night? How do you get into peoples houses you are such a nice person! I am Aidan Y. I am 8 years old, live in Amish, Iowa. I have been a very good boy. I want a Wii and Angry Birds game for DS, please. Thank you for the presents. Please say hi to Mrs. Claus and the reindeer please.

Aidan Y

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? My name is Colby R. I am a girl. I live on a farm. I love horses. I think you are very nice to get everybody presents. I love Christmas. Do you love Christmas? My favorite thing about Christmas is decorating the Christmas tree. Do you like decorating the Christmas tree? What I What for Christmas is a North Face sweatshirt, a mood necklace in the shape of a “c”. I also like at Christmas seeing your family. Christmas is my favorite holiday. Is it your favorite holiday? After you deliver all your presents do you see your family? I think you are very, very, very, very, very, very nice. I think you are awesome Santa. Is Mrs. Claus excited about Christmas? Have you decorated your Christmas tree? I haven’t. I love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love Christmas.

Your friend,
Colby R

Dear Santa,

How are you? How is Mrs. Claus, the elves, and reindeer? Do you take vacations? If you do, you probably want to go to warm places! I am Ella C. I have a brother and a dog. I live in Frytown Iowa. You are good at delivering presents. For Christmas this year I would like: iTunes gift card, new tennis shoes, a water bottle, some new jeans (size 8-10), American Girl doll clothes, the doll of the year. Please a zhu zhu pet. If you could get me an iPad I would be the happiest girl in the world! You do not have to give me one of those presents but I would please still want one of them! 

Ella C

Dear Santa,

How are you? How do you get all those presents delivered in one night? I think it’s amazing. My name is Emily S. I’ve been very good this year. I would like a Nintendo  DSi, and a game, a lava lamp, and a remote controlled helicopter. That it. Please say hi to Mrs. Claus and the reindeer for me.

Emily S

Dear Santa,

Hi, I am Jennifer H. How have you been? Did you like your vacation? I really liked the presents you left me last year. This year for Christmas I want 5 packs of fake nails, a little bit of makeup, and a pair of cowgirl clothes like boots, pants, shirts and a hat. If you get me those things I will be the happiest girl in the world. You’re the best person in the world.

Jennifer H
P.S you don’t have to get me those things.

Dear Santa

I am Joshua W. How do you go through a chimney if you  do not have one?  Do you go through the door? How do you make presents? I really want an iPod touch  or an Xbox360. I like that you give free presents.

Joshua W

Dear Santa,                                                                                                                        

Hi my name is KEATON LYNN G. This is my Christmas list. You’re really, really, really nice. How do you get around the world? That must be hard. Do you know my dog Tucker? He’s really nice. Speaking of my Christmas list do you think I can have a transformer and can I please have a model car? If you can that would be the best thing you ever did for me. Do your elves work hard? Is it fun doing work at the North Pole?

Your friend,

Dear Santa,

Do you have fun delivering present?  Do you have fun delivering presents? How are your reindeer? My name is Keegan G. I live near Kalona. This is what I want for Christmas: an iPod, a Pippi Longstocking  book, a football and a water bottle. I think Rudolph is very good at fling and so is Dasher. Happy holidays!!!!

Keegan G

Dear Santa,

I am Kelby G. I am 8 years old. I live in Kalona. This year I would like an electric train set, please. How are you? I am fine. How are the reindeer? After Christmas you should take a vacation.

Kelby G

Dear Santa,

Hi, how are you? Do you like being Santa? My name is Kennedy R.
I am eight years old. I really liked the presents you got me last year.
This year I want a webkinz, a zhu zhu pet, a Glow dome and a Light  Bright

Your Friend,
Kennedy R

Dear Santa,

My name is Lucas B. How are you doing? Do you like snow?  How old is your oldest reindeer? You should take a vacation! What I want for Christmas is a DS, a bag of chocolates, a real drum set, and new guitar strings. It is ok if don’t get any of those things.

Lucas B

Hi Santa,

I am Luke A I’m 9 years old and in 3rd grade. Did you have a good vacation? Did you have a good time off? For Christmas I want a bike please. And a Wii please. You should have a good Christmas and say hi to your reindeer for me.

Luke A

Dear Santa,

My name is Meredith B. I am 8 years old. I have 1 brother. How are you doing Santa? I am doing fine, but I can’t wait until Christmas! How is Mrs. Claus and Rudolph doing? Did you have a vacation? I hope you did. You did a lot last year. You are so nice. What would like for Christmas is anything easy bake, a first aid kit, and anything that is American girl. I would also like an iPod. See you at Christmas.                       

Meredith B

Dear Santa,

Did you work hard last winter? Did your elves work hard last winter? You are very fast. You are very polite. My name is Nicholas S and I live in Iowa. So I live far away from the North Pole. I want the game wipeout for my DSi. Thank you if you get it.

Nicholas S

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer? How are you? I hope I have been a good girl. I have been trying very hard to be a really good girl. Oh, and my name is Olivia Joan D. I like people calling me Liv or Livi. I’m very happy that you give people presents! But I also think you deserve to rest a lot. So what I want you to do right when you get back to the North Pole from all those houses is REST!!!! So any ways, I really want an iPod touch since I didn’t get one last year. So can I please get one this year? Please!!!! It would mean the world to me to have one! Oh, and Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!!!!

Olivia D

Dear Santa,

How have you been? Did you like your time off? I hope you went somewhere warm. I am Sadie F. I live in Wellman, Iowa. For Christmas this year I want an iPod Touch, Easy Bake Oven, a series of books and a Cook It Your Own. Well that’s what I want. Tell Mrs. Claus and the reindeer hi for me.

Sadie F

Dear Santa,

Hi my name is Sidney and I hope that you have a nice time delivering all of those presents Santa. You are a nice Santa. Is Mrs. Claus all right Santa? Are all of your reindeer all right Santa? I want a DSI for Christmas and I want books, too. The thing I want the most is an iPod nano Santa. I want Twinkies and I want  gum, Barbie, umbrella, Under Armor, fake flowers, t.v., calendar that is 2012.   
Sidney D

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I think you should take a break some time. What I would like for Christmas is a dog please. I love dogs. My family went through two dogs. My name is Tyler Y and there’s one more thing I would like that is a DS. Thanks.

Tyler Y

Dear Santa,

My name is Zeus F. What do you want for Christmas. Would you like a solar power slay or a wind power slay? I would like a Gyro-scope helicopter for Christmas grain carry, and an Xbox 360,and more toy hay bails. I think you need a vacation.

Zeus F

Dear Santa,

Did you like my Christmas tree last year? How are your elves? What is your favorite song? For Christmas this year I want a Dipping Dots maker, The Smurfs movie, DS games, a Wii, sqinkies and sqinkie play houses, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, an iPad, puzzles, a Talyor Swift poster ,an American Girl doll, new earrings, an art set, and a fidget friend, please. Do you get presents for Christmas? What is your favorite kind of cookie? I hope you have a good Christmas! Tell your reindeer, elves, and Mrs. Claus hi.

Nasya L

Dear Santa,

My name is Katelyn S. I live in a white house. I know all the reindeer’s names. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Dixen, and Rudolph. He’s funny. I’m eight years old. I have a sister 3 brothers and a mom and dad. What I want for Christmas is an Xbox 360, new earrings, and a new bed. It should be a king size canopy bed. I would also like an MP3 player and an ipod. Bye! I’ll make you some cookies for you.

Katelyn S

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